Monday, March 12, 2012



Selfie (noun): a picture taken by ones self.

Selfies are commonly used on social networking sites.  The selfie originated on myspace back when that was the most popular social networking site.  However, these pictures are often extremely suggestive.  No, suggestive is not the right word, slutty is better.  The girls who post pictures in their bathing suits in the middle of winter wearing atleast 2 lbs of makeup are really just asking for it.  Not only are they asking for creeps with 0 mutual friends but they are also asking to be judged by their peers, like me.  I don't mind a profile picture of just you on facebook, but when your tits are hanging out, there's a problem. 

The only time selfies may be appropriate are when it is selfie month but news flash: selfie month is over! I don't want to bash all selfies. Some selfies are fine.  But the gross ones asking for likes and for guys to comment "you're hot" is just a little bit pathetic, sorry girls.  

Also, photoshopping your photos does not make you a photographer, nor does it make you look better.  Selfies in the mirror are no better.


  1. i LOLed at the picture of Abraham

  2. The only thing worse than them in their bathing suits are when they give you dueces and duck faces
